Sarasota County Hurricane IDALIA

Sarasota County Building Department Site Preparedness Procedure checklist for securing jobsites.

sarasota county sent out the following email on 8/28/2023:

Dear Valued Contractors,


This checklist is intended to assist you in making your jobsite safe during a hurricane and wind event and limit construction materials becoming windborne debris and possibly causing damage to nearby structures.


Preparations should be completed 48 hours in advance of landfall of a hurricane warning for Sarasota County.

  1. Site Preparation

  • Clean and secure site of loose building materials to minimize flying debris.

  •  Tie down job trailers and portable structures (including toilets).

  •  Secure lids of dumpsters and other debris containers.

  •  Brace new landscaping.

  • Remove sand /trash from roadway gutters and drainage systems.

  •  Secure sediment/erosion control devices to avoid sediment leaving the site during heavy rainfall

  •  Remove construction vehicles and equipment or move inside.


          2. Construction Materials

  •  Band and stake down plywood lumber, scaffolding, etc.

  • All materials inside buildings should be banded together.

  •  Remove all wood scraps around trailers and site.

  • Delay or postpone construction material deliveries.



           3. Roofing Materials

  • Do not load tile onto roof if it cannot be installed 48 hours prior to predicted landfall.

  • Remove and secure roof materials prior to 48 hours prior to predicted landfall.


          4. Structural building elements

  • Shore up unsupported walls, frame or block.

  • Inspect trusses to ensure anchors and hurricane clips are in place.

  •  Plywood not installed should be removed to the ground.

  • Lower tower cranes if possible.

  • Inspect tie down on construction and sales trailers.

  •  Secure any antennas.


        5. Windows and glass

  • If possible, install panels over windows and sliding glass doors.

  •  Secure all windows and doors


Charlotte County Hurricane Idalia


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